Sunday, November 27, 2011

I am on Deck and Up for the Challenge!

If you build it, he will come…” As a baseball fan, one of my favorite movies is Field of Dreams, and this recognizably favorite line of mine seems appropriate as I reflect on the work I have accomplished during this course.  It seems that, at this point, my next step is to lead by example.  The readings I have completed as well as the projects I have created provide the necessary platform for me as I continue my graduate work and my work as an elementary teacher.      

That said, I could not help but think of the connections I have been able to make particularly in relation to my doctoral work.  With the bulk of my research focusing on teacher leadership, specifically the professional learning community (PLC), at this point the technology piece seems glaringly imperative to its success.  One of the things I have learned is that there is more to technology integration that being able to use the equipment.  This is where the concept of the PLC comes into play.

Although sometimes led by a facilitator of sorts, the professional learning community can provide an equal playing field for its members.  The PLC provides an environment for teachers to take charge of their professional development and to try things they may not have done on their own.  When trust between members is built, the PLC provides a safe place for teachers to basically…hit or miss.  The only way to strike out is to give up…something that members who work collegially will never allow. 

In essence, talking about a new website, figuring how to integrate a new tech program, learning how to use a new piece of technological equipment, or using available technology to enhance instruction and increase student achievement should not be done in isolation.  However, a PLC will not instantly appear out of left field.  So, it will be up to me to lead by example…we may not hit one out of the park right off the bat, but whoever said putting technology and teamwork in the same line-up would be easy?


1 comment:

  1. I loved this post! Field of Dreams is one of my most favorite movies and oddly enough the only movie that can make me cry every time I watch it. As I see the connections you are making with the movie I am reminder by James Earl Jones' dialogue towards the end of the movie how people will come from all over not knowing why but they will pay money to see what happens on the field. Technology receives the same draw, tons of people are not even sure why it is so great but they will pay to have the best technologies. This will be great for a PLC to provide the resources to those who are drawn by the technologies.
